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Villa Park Little League

California District 30 - Villa Park, California

Registration for 2025 Spring Baseball Season is CLOSED

AA-Majors player evaluations are Saturday, January 11, 2025, teams will be formed in mid-January, practices will start mid to late January, and the games will begin on Opening Day at the end of February.

For more information see our list of Frequently Asked Questions and what parents can expect in Tee Ball.

VPLL plays its games at Cerro Villa Middle School (17852 Serrano Ave., Villa Park, CA 92861).

Registration Listing

2025 Villa Park Little League Baseball

Welcome to Villa Park Little League! We are excited to welcome all players aged 4 to 12, from tee ball to majors, to participate in the thrilling 2025 season. Whether you are a newcomer or have prior experience, we offer a program tailored to your abilities and preferences. Prepare for an enjoyable season of baseball and the opportunity to forge new friendships. We look forward to seeing you on the field!

Intermediate - Villa Park Little League Baseball

Registration closes on 05/04/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 02/23/2025 to 05/04/2025
Show Details

VPLL Divisions

The families of our young players often inquire about how to choose the correct division when signing up for Villa Park Little League. The information below is intended to provide assistance for those families. This document is for guidance only and does not supersede or amend the official rules of Little League Baseball or Villa Park Little League's Local Rules.

"League Age"" The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year. See the Little League Age Chart or use the Official Little League Age Calculator to quickly determine your child's League Age.

Tee Ball

League Ages 4, 5, and 6 (for new players). This is where all new players should start. RIF Safety baseballs are used in this division. The ball is placed on a tee for all players during the first half of the season.  For the second half of the season, a parent or coach may soft toss three (3) balls to a batter. If the ball is not put in play, a tee is used. This division is intended to be purely for fundamental baseball instruction and fun. This is a non-competitive division. Games are not scored and standings are not kept.

Coach Pitch

League Ages 5, 6 and 7 (for new players). This division is the next step after Tee Ball. Standard Little League baseballs are used in this division.  Players should have a grasp of baseball basics, and should be able to sometimes hit a softly thrown ball from 25 feet away. For the first half of the season, a coach will pitch baseballs from 25 feet from the batter, and the entire lineup will bat. For the second half of the season, a Blue Flame machine is used to throw baseballs from immediately in front of the mound, and innings end after 3 defensive outs or after the entire lineup bats. This division is intended for fundamental baseball instruction.  Games are not scored and standings are not kept.

Single A 

League Ages 7 and 8. This division is not recommended for first time players. This division may be appropriate for some advanced League Age 6 players who are able to play catch well and hit a ball thrown from the mound more than half of the time. Standard Little League baseballs are used in this division. This division is the final step before competitive baseball begins in AA.


League Ages 8, 9 and 10. Sometimes appropriate for advanced League Age 7 players who are highly proficient in playing catch and who can also defend themselves from hard-hit baseballs while playing in the infield. Players must try out and must be drafted on to AA teams.  This is a competitive division.  This is the first division where all games are scored and standings are kept. AA Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Managers evaluate players at tryouts and draft accordingly.


League Ages 9, 10, and 11. Sometimes appropriate for League Age 12 players who are beginners or for whom it may be a safety risk to play in Majors. Players must try out and be drafted on to AAA teams and all games are scored. AAA Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Managers evaluate players at tryouts and draft accordingly.


League Ages 11 and 12. Rarely appropriate for League Age 10 players. Players must try out and be drafted on to Majors teams. Majors Baseball is "player-pitch" baseball and is played on a field with 60 foot base paths and a pitcher’s mound that is 46 feet from home plate. Players are drafted in rounds. Managers evaluate players at tryout and draft accordingly.

Challenger / Senior Challenger

The Little League Challenger Division accommodates players ages 4-18, or up to age 22, if still enrolled in school. Any individual with a physical or intellectual challenge may participate. The Senior League Challenger Division is for ages 15 and above but based on participation numbers this is typically one combined team.

Intermediate (50/70)

League Ages 12 - 13. Utilizes a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths. This division offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/Big League field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths). Regular season players in the Little League Intermediate 50/70 Baseball Division have the opportunity to dual roster, meaning he/she can play in the Little League Major Baseball Division during the same season. As a Competitive Division, the primary goals of Intermediate (50/70) Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to transition from traditional sized Little League Baseball fields to fields that will prepare players for most competitive arenas of Youth Baseball such as High School, Junior Little League and Senior Little League.

Junior League (60/90)

League Ages 13 - 14. Utilizes a 60-foot pitching distance and 90-foot base paths. As a Competitive Division, the primary goals of Juniors Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to take their game to the next level in preparation for most competitive arenas of Youth Baseball such as High School and Senior Little League.

Senior League

League Ages 13 - 16. As a Competitive Division, the primary goals of Senior League Baseball are to provide the players a suitable vehicle to take their game to the next level in preparation for High School.

If you have any questions about the appropriate Baseball division for your child please contact [email protected].

League Age Determination

Your player’s league age is determined by the  Little League Baseball® Age Charts. League Age determines the division in which your Little Leaguer will play this season. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year.

See the Little League Age Chart below or use the Official Little League Age Calculator to quickly determine League Age and Division.

Print or Download the 2025 Little League Age Chart.

The league age of a Little Leaguer® for these divisions is based on the player’s age as of August 31 of the current year.

Villa Park Little League Boundaries

Use the Little League Finder tool to find out whether your residence or school address is located within the VP Little League boundaries.

There is also a waiver process, where parents can work with local leagues to provide additional opportunities for a child to participate in a league outside of where they live or go to school.

Contact Us

Villa Park Little League

17852 Santiago Blvd, 1107-239
Villa Park, California 92861

Email: [email protected]

Villa Park Little League

17852 Santiago Blvd, 1107-239
Villa Park, California 92861

Email: [email protected]
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