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Villa Park Little League

California District 30 - Villa Park, California

League Age Determination

Your player’s league age is determined by the  Little League Baseball® Age Charts. League Age determines the division in which your Little Leaguer will play this season. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the actual age of a child as of August 31 of the current year.

See the Little League Age Chart below or use the Official Little League Age Calculator to quickly determine League Age and Division.

Print or Download the 2025 Little League Age Chart.

The league age of a Little Leaguer® for these divisions is based on the player’s age as of August 31 of the current year.

Baseball Divisions By Age

  • Players who are league age 4-7 are eligible to be selected to a Tee Ball team.
  • Players who are league age 5-6 that have participated for one regular season in the Tee Ball Division are eligible to be selected to a Minor League Division (coach pitch or machine pitch) team.
  • Players who are league age 7-12 are eligible to be selected to a Minor League Division team (player pitch, coach pitch, or machine pitch) for the regular season. The local league board of directors may decide the age-cutoffs within this age grouping.
  • Players who are league age 9-12 are eligible to be selected to a Little League (“Major”) Division team for the regular season. The local league board of directors may restrict this division to players who are league age 10-12 or 11-12.
  • Players who are league age 11-13 are eligible to be selected to an Intermediate (50/70) Division team for the regular season. The local league board of directors may decide to have a different age-cutoff for this division, provided it is within the grouping noted. For example, the Intermediate Division in a local Little League could be limited to players who are league age 12-13.
  • Players who are league age 12-14 are eligible to be selected to a Junior League Division team for the regular season. The local league board of directors may decide to have a different age-cutoff for this division, provided it is within the grouping noted. For example, the Junior Division in a local Little League could be limited to players who are league age 13-14.
  • Players who are league age 13-16 are eligible to be selected to a Senior League Division team for the regular season. The local league board of directors may decide to have a different age-cutoff for this division, provided it is within the grouping noted. For example, the Senior Division in a local Little League could be limited to players who are league age 15-16.

Those who are not included among the league ages listed above are not eligible for any baseball division in Little League for the current season.

Typical Age/Division Guideline:

Majors: Players who are league age 11 or 12
AAA: Players who are league age 9,10, or 11
AA: Players who are league age 8 or 9 (depending on the player, some 7 or 10 year olds are included)
Coach Pitch/Machine Pitch: Players who are league age 6, 7 or 8
Tee ball: Players who are league age 4, 5, or 6

Contact Us

Villa Park Little League

17852 Santiago Blvd, 1107-239
Villa Park, California 92861

Email: [email protected]

Villa Park Little League

17852 Santiago Blvd, 1107-239
Villa Park, California 92861

Email: [email protected]
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